Monday, March 31, 2014

Losing Weight Fast: The Secret of Protein Bars and Shakes

I lost 5 kg in 4 weeks. The first 3 weeks/ ~4 kg I lost were without any help from any protein bars or other substances. The only thing I used were herbal teas that are supposed to help you lose weight. And I'm not sure they work, but I figured it can't hurt. I pride myself on never having used diet pills or the likes, but honestly I'm afraid of them. There have been so many scandals that I am afraid to touch any of those "miracle cures". If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

The last week I cracked and I tried a protein bar. The last week I used protein bars regularly to replace maximum one meal per day. I tried a protein cream but found it tasted more like iron than like chocolate so I decided to stick to the bars. I assume the shakes are rather similar, but after my chocolate-cream-failure I was not in the mood for experiments.

The irony is that the week I started using protein bars, I lost the least weight. Maybe it was due to the fact that I had already lost a lot of weight and I was reaching the famous "plateau". Maybe I lost motivation and I was paying less attention. Or maybe it really was the protein bars' fault.

Honestly the only reason I had the protein bars was so I could have a sugary taste (my favorites are chocolate and caramel) without feeling guilty and without consuming more calories. "Real" chocolate or caramel does nothing for my hunger, I sometimes suspects it makes me more hungry, so I end up eating normal meals anyway. The protein bars allowed me to replace a meal with a chocolate or caramel subsitute as it made me feel more full.

According to me, the secret with these protein bars is not that they are low calorie and will make you magically lose weight. In fact, when I checked my food logs, I noticed that I frequently consumed meals with a lower calorie content than those I replaced with the bars. Therefore, I recommend no However, the bars can kick that chocolate craving without overdoing it.

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