I love cookies. I don't love them, I adore them, I'm infatuated with them, I'd marry them if I could - though I'm pretty sure it's illegal and I'd end up having A LOT of husbands...
It is my biggest food pleasure. I can have it for breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner. Anytime. It is my biggest weakness. This is why I chose not to have any cookies at home during my diet. When in the grocery shop, I quickly skipped the cookie isle with my eyes closed and a horrible pain in my heart.
Know your weakness. We all have our favorite food sin that we indulge from time to time (usually too often). Avoid this by any means. And don't think you can eat "just one" because we all know that "just one" means "just one packet" (or insert relevant packaging method for your personal weakness).
This will be your most forbidden food until you have reached your goal weight. We all have to make sacrifices in life. It's like breaking up with that boyfriend you know is bad for you because of his bad influence. You don't want to, but you have to. You then proceed to delete him from your life. You remove photo's, memorabilia, clothes...some even choose to do a ritual burning of his belongings. We then proceed to live our lives as if he never existed. Should he dare to beg for forgiveness, we pretend we don't remember who he is.
You have to break up with your favorite munchies. Throw it out, burn it, do what you have to do to get over it. With time, just as if you broke up from a relationship, you will forget what it was like and stop missing it.
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